IT-Defense 2016 Trainings


We offer you three different trainings on the two days before the main conference starts .

The first one will be a special edition of the well-known cirosec training Hacking Extreme Web Applications. The instructors of this training are the experienced cirosec consultants Marco Lorenz and Joshua Tiago. 

The second we offer you a workshop about DANE and DNSSEC. By means of practical exercises, the workshop teaches participants the basics of DNSSEC-signed DNS zones, checking DNSSEC contents and setting up DANE TLSA records for SSL/TLS-secured servers.

Furthermore you have the possibility to take part on a one-day introduction seminar to the Incident Management Process based on ISO/IEC 27035. This training course enables participants to be familiar with the basic concepts of the implementation and management of an incident management process as specified in ISO/IEC 27035.