Speakers - IT-DEFENSE 2016

Lieven Desmet
Lieven Desmet is a Research Manager on Secure Software within the iMinds-DistriNet research group at the KU Leuven (Belgium). Lieven outlines and implements the research strategy on software security within the university, he coaches junior researchers in (web) application security and participates in dissemination and valorization activities. Lieven received a Doctor degree in Engineering (Computer Science) from the University of Leuven. He is board member of the OWASP Chapter Belgium and program director of the yearly SecAppDev training courses on Secure Application Development. Lieven has been investigating the security of WebRTC as part of the EU-FP7 project STREWS, in close collaboration with W3C, IETF and SAP.

Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck
Gunter Dueck, born in 1951, lives in Waldhilsbach near Heidelberg with his wife Monika. Anne (30) and Johannes (27) are currently doing a PhD in Biochemistry and Mathematics, respectively.
GD studied Mathematics and Business Administration from 1971 until 1975 and did his PhD at Bielefeld University in Mathematics in 1977.
He spent 10 years researching with his thesis supervisor Rudolf Ahlswede, with whom he won the Prize Paper Award of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 1990 for a new theory of message identification. After having qualified as a university lecturer in 1981, he spent five years working as a professor for Mathematics at Bielefeld University and changed to IBM Heidelberg Scientific Center in 1987.
There, he founded a large research group aiming at solving the problems associated with industrial optimization. Furthermore, he contributed significantly to setting up the data warehouse service business of IBM Germany. He also worked on the strategy and the technological orientation of IBM and on cultural change. Between 2009 and 2010, he played a leading role in setting up a new strategic growth area of IBM Corporation, which aims at the growing industrialization of IT infrastructures up to cloud computing. He has been the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of IBM Germany until August 2011. Due to having reached 60 years of age, he has been retired ever since - however, he is not tired and currently works freelance as an author, business angel and speaker, and he continues dedicating himself to improving the world. For now, he devotes himself to extending the “Wiki of Music”, a Wikipedia-like platform with the intention of making all musical notes publicly available.
Gunter Dueck was an IBM Distinguished Engineer and a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. He had been a member of the chairs of the German Informatics Society and the German Mathematical Society for many years. He is a fellow of the US Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a fellow of the German Informatics Society and a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
He has published satirical-philosophical books about life, people and managers: E-Man (2nd ed. 2002), Die Beta-Inside Galaxie and Wild Duck (3rd ed. 2003). A philosophy all of his own has been published in three volumes: Omnisophie: Über richtige, wahre und natürliche Menschen (2nd ed. 2004), Supramanie: Vom Pflichtmenschen zum Score-Man (2003) and Topothesie: Der Mensch in artgerechter Haltung (2004). The Springer-Verlag (German publisher) publishes his books in an individual category called Dueck’s World.
In 2006, the focus of his work was on bloodlessness and brainlessness: In his first novel Ankhaba, vampires find a way to explain the world. In a satirical and sarcastic way, the book Lean Brain Management – Erfolg und Effizienzsteigerung durch Null-Hirn warns of an economic horror scenario resulting in the stupidity of people and the call-centerization of work. In 2008, Abschied vom Homo Oeconomicus was published at Eichborn Verlag (German publisher), which is a book about the almost inevitable economic stupidity. In July 2009, Direkt-Karriere: Der schnellste Weg nach ganz oben was published, which is a satirical guide about the art of enjoying a rapid rise. The book Aufbrechen! Warum wir eine Exzellenzgesellschaft werden müssen contains the future program he claims when, due to the automation of many services, new fields of work need to be opened up today. What is the individual supposed to do? The recent book Professionelle Intelligenz – worauf es morgen ankommt will explain it. Das Neue und seine Feinde is about the often underestimated problems with innovations. This year (2/2015), Schwarmdumm was published, which has been very successful in Germany so far.

Stephan Gerhager
Stephan Gerhager has been the CISO of Allianz Deutschland AG since 2013.
He studied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Landshut. From 2001 to 2004, he worked as a security expert in the central IT security department of AUDI AG. From 2004 until 2006, he has been the CISO of AUDI AG and spokesperson of the IT security team. In 2006, Stephan Gerhager switched to E.ON Energie AG, where, in addition to being CISO, he worked for the market unit “Central Europe”, researching on “smart-meter security and attacks on modern grids”.
He has already held a presentation on “information security risks in the future smart grid” at IT-Defense 2013. Ever since he switched to Allianz Deutschland AG, he has continued his research on attack possibilities on networked systems; this time, however, in the field of “attack surface of modern, networked vehicles”.

Joerg Heidrich
Lawyer Joerg Heidrich has been working as a legal adviser at the German publishing house “Heise Medien” (c’t, iX, Technology Review, heise online) since 2001, and he is a lawyer and specialist lawyer for IT law in Hanover. Having studied law in Cologne, Germany and Concord, NH, US, he has been focusing on the legal issues of the Internet and media since 1997. Heidrich is the author of numerous specialist articles and speaker on legal aspects of the new media and the copyright law. He is an expert on IT products, TÜV-certified data protection officer and temporary lecturer at Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media.

Dr. Martin Johns
Dr. Martin Johns is a Senior Researcher in the Security and Trust group within SAP Research, where he leads the Web application security team. Before joining SAP, Martin studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Universities of Hamburg, Santa Cruz (CA), and Passau. During the 1990s and the early years of the new millennium, he earned his living as a software engineer in German companies. He is board member of the German OWASP chapter, holds a Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Hamburg and a Doctorate from the University of Passau. Martin is a regular speaker at international security conferences, incl. the OWASP AppSec series, ACSAC, ESORICS, PacSec, Hack In The Box, RSA Europe, or the CCC Congress.

Eugene Kaspersky
Eugene Kaspersky is a world-renowned cybersecurity expert and successful entrepreneur. He is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kaspersky Lab, the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection and cybersecurity solutions.
Eugene began his career in cybersecurity accidentally when his computer became infected with the ‘Cascade’ virus in 1989. Eugene’s specialized education in cryptography helped him analyze the encrypted virus, understand its behavior, and then develop a removal tool for it. After successfully removing the virus, Eugene’s curiosity and passion for computer technology drove him to start analyzing more malicious programs and developing disinfection modules for them. This exotic collection of anti-virus modules would eventually become the foundation for Kaspersky Lab’s antivirus database. Today the database is one of the most comprehensive and complete collections in cybersecurity, detecting and preventing systems from being infected by more than 100 million malicious programs.
Further pursuing his passion for defensive technologies, in 1990 Eugene started gathering a team of like-minded enthusiast researchers to create the AVP Toolkit Pro antivirus program, which four years later was recognized by the University of Hamburg as the most effective anti-virus software in the world.
Wishing to combine their successful track record of antivirus programming with their entrepreneurial vision, Eugene and his colleagues decided to establish their own independent company. In 1997, Kaspersky Lab was founded, with Eugene heading the company’s antivirus research. In 2007, he was named Kaspersky Lab’s CEO.
Eugene has earned a number of international awards for his technological, scientific and entrepreneurial achievements. He was voted the World’s Most Powerful Security Exec by SYS-CON Media in 2011, awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Plymouth University in 2012, and named one of Foreign Policy Magazine’s 2012 Top Global Thinkers for his contribution to IT security awareness on a global scale.

Dr.-Ing. Timo Kasper
Timo is a proven expert on the security of embedded cryptographic systems, particularly RFID and radio applications. He studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and at the University of Sheffield (UK). From 2006 to 2014, he worked as a scientific assistant at the Chair for Embedded Security in Bochum, where he did his doctorate in the IT security field in 2011. His dissertation was awarded the first-place doctoral thesis prize for IT security in 2012.
Timo’s expertise includes implementation and protocol attacks, penetration tests, security reviews at the system level and the development of relevant countermeasures, protected devices and secure system concepts.
He has several years’ experience as a lecturer at international scientific conferences and in the industry, and as a university lecturer. He is the co-founder and CEO of Kasper & Oswald GmbH, which, since 2012, has been offering comprehensive product and consulting services in the field of security of embedded systems and innovative IT applications.

Volker Kozok
Lieutenant Colonel Volker Kozok works as a technical officer in the legal department of the German Federal Ministry of Defence and is a proven cyber security expert. For more than 20 years, he has been working in various positions in the IT security of the German Armed Forces. In 2002, he planned and trained the Computer Emergency Response Team of the German Armed Forces.
He is a trained IT forensics expert and conducted the first training courses for computer forensics and incident management in the German Armed Forces.
He is a speaker at both national and international events, lecturing on cyber security and data protection topics, and he focuses on the “dark side of the Internet”, which includes the analysis of hacker attacks, cybercrime and social media attacks.
Since 2002, he has been leading the annual US study tour, where cyber security experts of the German Armed Forces and of the industry exchange views on cyber security with US offices and organizations in a 14-day trip in the United States.
At his annual confidential security conference, the international “Bulletproofhosting & Botnetkonferenz”, national and international representatives of the German Armed Forces, authorities, intelligence services, industry and the hacker scene exchange views on example cases, attacks and ways to react.

Adam Laurie
Adam "Major Malfunction" Laurie is a security consultant working in the field of electronic communications, and a Director of Aperture Labs Ltd., who specialize in reverse engineering of secure systems. He started in the computer industry in the late Seventies, and quickly became interested in the underlying network and data protocols. During this period, he successfully disproved the industry lie that music CDs could not be read by computers, and wrote the world's first CD ripper, 'CDGRAB'. He was also involved various early open source projects, including 'Apache-SSL' which went on to become the de-facto standard secure web server. Since the late Nineties he has focused his attention on security, and has been the author of various papers exposing flaws in Internet services and/or software.
You can find further information at aperturelabs.com

John Matherly
John Matherly is an Internet cartographer, speaker and founder of Shodan, the world’s first search engine for the Internet-connected devices. Printers, webcams, power plants and more have been found over time and the revelations have changed the way security and privacy on the Internet is perceived. Shodan is already seeing TVs, cell phones, traffic lights, industrial controls, infrastructure plants and various home appliances pop up in the search results. And more of these Internet-of-Things devices are added each day as the world is becoming more connected. For the past years, he has been featured in the news on CNBC, CNN Money, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Forbes, Time and many others.

Michael Ossmann
Michael Ossmann is a wireless security researcher who makes hardware for hackers. Best known for the open source HackRF, Ubertooth, and Daisho projects, he founded Great Scott Gadgets in an effort to put exciting, new tools into the hands of innovative people.

Marcus J. Ranum
Marcus J. Ranum is Chief Security Officer at Tenable Security, Inc. and is a world-renowned expert on security system design and implementation. He has been involved in every level of the security industry from product coder to CEO of a successful start-up. He is an ISSA fellow and holds achievement and service awards from several industry groups.

Saumil Udayan Shah (@therealsaumil)
Saumil Shah is the founder and CEO of Net-Square, providing cutting-edge information security services to clients around the globe. Saumil is an internationally recognized speaker and instructor, having regularly presented at conferences like Black Hat, RSA, CanSecWest, PacSec, EUSecWest, Hack.lu, Hack-In-The-Box, IT-Defense, IT-Underground, NoSuchCon, REcon and others. Saumil has been the co-developer of the wildly successful "Exploit Laboratory" courses that he teaches all over the world. He has also authored two books titled "Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense" and "The Anti-Virus Book".
Saumil graduated with an M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University, USA and a B.E. in Computer Engineering from Gujarat University. He spends his leisure time breaking software, flying kites, traveling around the world and taking pictures.

Jayson E. Street
Jayson E. Street is an author of “Dissecting the hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network” and “Dissecting the hack: The V3rb0t3n Network” and also creator of dissectingthehack.com. He is the Global DEF CON Groups Coordinator and known Awkward Hugger. He has also spoken at DEF CON, DerbyCon, UCON and at several other CONs and colleges on a variety of Information Security subjects. His life story can be found on Google under “Jayson E. Street”.
He is a highly carbonated speaker, who has partaken of Pizza from Beijing to Brazil. He does not expect anybody to still be reading this far but if they are, please note he was chosen as one of Time’s persons of the year for 2006.

Stefan Strobel
Stefan Strobel is the CEO of cirosec GmbH. He has more than 20 years of experience in consulting major companies with very high security requirements and in developing concepts and policies.
In addition to his regular work, he gives lectures on current topics of IT security, trends, new technologies and security strategies at specialist conferences, and he is responsible for the program of the IT-Defense security conference. Moreover, he has worked as a lecturer on IT security at different universities of cooperative education and at Heilbronn University.
Stefan Strobel is also the author of several technical books, which have been published in different languages, and he publishes articles on IT security in specialist magazines on a regular basis.

Carsten Strotmann
Carsten Strotmann has been supporting customers with Unix and PC/Windows networks in Germany and abroad for more than 25 years. His specialties are Unix systems, DNS, DNSSEC and IPv6 security. Carsten Strotmann leads the training business for Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) and Men & Mice. He supports customers in operating DNS/DNSSEC/DANE infrastructures at Sys4 AG in Munich, Germany.

Alexandre Triffault
Alexandre has been a security trainer for locksmiths, computer scientists and the military for 7 years. He is continuously developing tools and techniques to circumvent physical security devices. He has recently formed a company specializing in physical pentesting and training. He has also co-authored the only French book covering a wide variety of techniques to open locks covertly.
Recent researches: forensics locksmithing, electronic locks, dual-component keys, 3D modeling and printing complex keys, surreptitious techniques for opening locks, security seals.
More information on the speakers will be following after release.