Program Agenda


Monday, January 29, 2018
09:00 am Training Hardening and Secure Configuration of Windows Systems – Special Edition
Training Offensive PowerShell for Red and Blue Teams
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
09:00 am Training Hardening and Secure Configuration of Windows Systems – Special Edition
Training Offensive PowerShell for Red and Blue Teams
up to 07:00 pm Reception and welcome in the Leo90 Lounge in the conference hotel Leonardo Royal
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
09:00 am Welcome from Stefan Strobel, CEO cirosec GmbH
09:15 am The Next Revolution
Mikko Hypponen
10:15 amBreak
10:45 amHacked? Pray that the attacker used PowerShell
Nikhil Mittal
11:45 amBiometrics: Experiences from 15 Years of Attempts to Overcome It
12:45 pm Lunch
02:00 pm Think and Act Like a Hacker to Protect Your Company’s Assets
Paula Januszkiewicz
03:00 pmBreak
03:15 pmSwimming IoT: Possibilities to Attack Supertankers or Yachts
Stephan Gerling
04:15 pm Break
04:45 pmPsychometric Computing and the Brighter Future of AI
Vesselin Popov
05:45 pmEnd of the first conference day
06:30 pm Evening at the Allianz Arena
Having arrived at the Mixed Zone, you will get to know the players’ dressing rooms, the players’ tunnel, the press club and much more in a guided tour through the arena. We will then enjoy our dinner together in the Säbener Lounge with a view of and access to the VIP area.        
Thursday, February 1, 2018
09:00 amIt's Not About the Cloud
Marcus Ranum
10:00 amBreak
10:30 amAttacking SDN infrastructures: Are we ready for the next-generation networking?
Changhoon Yoon
11:30 amReverse Engineering x86 Processor Microcode
Benjamin Kollenda & Philipp Koppe
12:30 pm  Lunch
02:00 pmIT-Security Requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Joerg Heidrich
03:00 pmBreak
03:15 pmThe Lightbulb Worm: Where Next?
Colin O'Flynn
04:15 pm Break
04:45 pmYou won’t be rewarded for beginning but for hanging on
Marc Gassert
05:45 pmEnd of the second conference day
07:00 pmBavarian Evening
We will start the evening with a campfire, Glühwein (mulled wine) and punch in front of a rustic Alpine chalet. After that, we are going to have a relaxing evening in a rustic atmosphere with tasty food and little surprises.
Friday, February 2, 2018
09:30 amRound Tables
11:00 amBreak
11:30 amRound Tables - continuation
01:00 pm Lunch
02:30 pmEnd of the event

The following Round Tables are available at the moment: