IT-Defense 2025Winn Schwartau

Winn Schwartau

The “Civilian Architect of Information Warfare”
Commodore Pat Tyrrell OBE Royal Navy, 1996

“Electronic Pearl Harbor Prophet”
BankInfo Security, 2023

“National Security Imperative for Cognitive Defense: We are defenseless.”
The Art & Science of Metawar, 2024

Winn has lived Cybersecurity since 1983, and now says, “I think, maybe, I’m just starting to understand it.” His predictions about the internet & security have been scarily spot on. He coined “Electronic Pearl Harbor” while testifying before Congress in 1991. His seminal book, “Information Warfare,” showed the world how privacy would die and cyber-terrorism would be an integral part of the future (today’s present).

His new book, "The Art & Science of Metawar,” describes how to defend against AI-driven reality distortion, TMI/disinformation, manipulation, and algorithmic addictions by strengthening the mental immune system.

Increasingly impressive immersive technologies, active metacontent orchestration, and powerful feedback systems (OODA loops) exploit information overload and disseminate disinformation through believable online experiences. We are approaching the metapoint, where persistent immersive simulations will be indistinguishable from our default ‘reality’. The security, privacy, ethics, and global policy implications are staggering.

His last book, “Analogue Network Security”, is a time-based approach to justifiable security. “It will twist your mind.” “The Best Cybersecurity Book of All Time,” Cyber Defense Magazine.

Winn has been the recipient of a host of industry recognitions including:

  • Fellow, Royal Society of the Arts
  • Distinguished Fellow: Ponemon Institute
  • International Security Hall of Fame: ISSA
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, DefCon XXXI
  • Top-20 industry pioneers: SC Magazine.
  • Top 25 Most Influential: Security Magazine
  • Top 5 Security Thinkers: SC Magazine.
  • Power Thinker and one of the 50 most powerful people: Network World.
  • 30 Year DefCon Goon (Ret.)
  • Top Rated (4.85/5) RSA Speaker
  • Top Rated Webinar: 4.56 (ISC2)
  • .001% Top Influencer RSAC
  • Global Power Speaker
  • US Patent: 11,438,369 (Time-Based Security)


  • Time-Based Security
  • Pearl Harbor Dot Com (Die Hard IV), the world's first novel-on-the-net 1993, Project Gutenberg)
  • 3 volumes of “Information Warfare”
  • CyberShock
  • Internet and Computer Ethics for Kids (The Best Security Book Ever Written, Dr. Fred Cohen)
  • and a few more


  • Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism, James K. Campbell, 1977
  • The Mind of the Hacker, Dr. Nick Chandler (Maj. Australian military intelligence), 1999

Executive Producer:

  • Hackers Are People Too
  • VR Babies in the Metaverse, premiers at the Getty in Oct. 2024

Founder: The Security Awareness Company, Hacker Jeopardy, Security Experts, InfowarCon, et al. Former recording engineer and producer.